7-3-2015 Realtor Marketing Hangout

How to save hours weekly with your Gmail using plugins, extensions and apps.


What we covered​

A. ActiveInBox – Link
  1. Great for procrastinators
  2. Go through large batches of email
  3. Assign priority & due date
  4. Free Trial then a few dollars a month
B. Awayfind – Link
  1. ​Find yourself constantly checking your email
  2. Helps you to stop worrying about missing key emails
  3. Using filters and…
  4. You will get a phone call or text with the content of the key emails
C. Send & Archive (Built into Gmail)
  1. Archive emails after you send them
D. Enable Undo Send – (Built Into Gmail)
  1. Based on holding email from 5-30 seconds
  2. Sue and I both use it.
  3. Pierre went with 10 second delay and Sue went with 30 seconds.
E. Refapp.com – Link
  1. ​Auto Suggest for your email
  2.  Connects to Facebook, Google+, Dropbox, Google Drive, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Twitter and more.
  3. See the webinar or link for demo video
F. MixMax – Link
  1. Does many of the items we have shown in other tools
  2. Recommend you take a look. It comes highly rated
  3. Track emails
  4. Meeting scheduling
  5. Email Templates (Time saver for repetitive emails)
  6. Send later
  7. Integrates with Google Drive, Dropbox and Box
  8. Plus does polls, and more
G. SaneBox – Link
  1. Prioritizes important emails
  2. Works with many choices – Gmail, Mailbox, Exchange, iCloud, IMAP, Outlook, Yahoo, AOL, iOS
  3. Check out the demos at there site.
H. CrystalKnows – Link
  1. The end of email miscommunication
  2. They claim its the best improvement to email since spell-check
  3. Check out the demo on the site
  4. I’m impressed and waiting for approval for more users – Yes they currently have a waiting list.
I. HelloSign – Link
  1. Another way to get eSignatures
  2. Zipforms and Digital Ink does this for you with free unlimited signatures for Realtors at CCAR

To see the Part 1 of this webinar series GO HERE

To see the Part 2 of this webinar series GO HERE

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