6-19-2015 Realtor Marketing Hangout

Part 1 – Save hours weekly with your Gmail by learning the key gmail plugins and apps that make it possible.

We recommend you watch the video while reading these notes.

I do not use read receipts (Could you tell) if you know how please share in the comments. You can access Canned Responses via labs in the settings in Gmail. I’m a big Gmail fan and have the paid version (Google Apps) and I love it.

How can you save a bunch of time using gmail.

  1. Gmail is the #2 most used email application currently.
  2. Take advantage of the additional 4 tabs to make 5 tabs total.
  3. You can access the new tabs feature by clicking on the gear.
  4. How to move emails to other tabs, one time and permanently. We recommend you put the most important emails in Primary, that’s what I do, and I use Forums for all emails of secondary importance and I move all other emails to the other to either the Promotion and Updates tabs. I leave the social tab as is.
  5. By moving emails in the first few weeks to either Primary, Forum, Promotion or Updates tab  you will have a much more efficient email set up.

First plugins we recommend you look at.

A. Boomerang
  1. http://www.boomeranggmail.com/
  2. Schedule an email to leave your inbox and come back when you want to deal with it.
  3. You other option is to schedule an email to send later
  4. This allows you to keep your inbox clean
B. FollowUp.cc
  1. https://followup.cc/
  2. Snooze your email for when you want to deal with it.
  3. Track email activity, opens etc.
C. Yesware
  1. http://www.yesware.com/product-tour
  2. Track email opens
  3. Send Later
  4. Reminders
  5. Mail Merge
  6. Click-to-Call
  7. Presentation Tracking & Analytics
  8. Salesforce Syncing
We did a quick run through of the other plugins as a teaser for Part 2

Part 2 Video Link

To see the Part 2 of this webinar series on Youtube go here

We hope you enjoyed this session of Quick Fire Fridays #QFF. Connect with us live every Friday live at 12 noon Eastern.

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